The dangerous pursuit of simplicity
Lately, I'm hearing many CEOs and leadership teams talk about "simplicity" as a strategic focus for 2023.
The world has become more complex, as have many organizational processes and systems. Undoubtedly, much of the complexity we face is our own making.
But pursuing simplicity (as the goal) is a fool's errand and will lead many teams astray. Too often, focusing on simplicity amounts to submerging complex problems, questions, and consequences so that teams don't have to see them - and someone else is left to deal with them.
Most issues top teams face are inherently complex, interdependent, and systemic. They require thoughtful, integrated approaches that are not always simple.
Rather than focusing explicitly on simplicity, I encourage leaders to consider Clarity and Efficiency as the goal. Often this simplifies processes (moving from 30 KPIs to 6, for example) but limits the risk of teams creating simplistic solutions to inherently complex challenges.
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler."
(Albert Einstein)