The invitation at midlife is to become more of who you are. An expansion into the unbridled expression of your gifts, strengths, and character.
Much of my coaching with leaders (whether they are at midlife or not) is focused on integrating the lost, forgotten, or previously undervalued aspects of the self. The stuff "they" said you need to leave behind to get ahead.
The great opportunity as we mature (chronologically and emotionally) is to redefine what success means to us. We get to self-author our next chapter and reorient the fullest expression of our talents toward a more personal and meaningful horizon - whatever that might be.
Side Note: For any Ted Lasso fans, James Hollis’ excellent book “The Middle Passage” is one of Coach Beard’s featured reads and appears in several episodes. The whole series is a lovely “second adulthood” coming-of-age story. I suspect this is part of why the story and characters resonate - we see ourselves in their shadows and triumphs.
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