The story in our self-scores
"In the middle of our life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood."
(Opening lines to Dante's "Divine Comedy."
I debriefed this leader a few weeks ago. At first glance, she appeared to have a strong Profile. 90% Creative, a decent balance between Task and Relationship, and Reactive tendencies managed.
But her self-score told a different story.
The Profile below is from a talented leader beginning to lose their sense of purpose and direction. One of the signs I look for is a collapse in the self-scores for Achieving and Authenticity.
It is not burn-out (yet) but more a crisis of purpose. I often describe this pattern as being "functionally lost ." Leaders who remain great at their job while at the same time struggling to inspire and lead themselves.
We all find ourselves in these "swamplands" of life occasionally. The way forward is no longer clear, and we question the value and purpose of our efforts. It can feel frightening, lonely, and, as Dante wrote, “lost in a dark wood.”
This is also one of the most fertile moments for personal reinvention and an ideal moment to work with a coach.
When I debrief a leader with a Profile like this, I focus our conversation on their inner story, values, and hopes for the future. What did they give away or lose in the rush of days? What does their soul long for that could rekindle passion and purpose?
As Parker Palmer wrote in his book, "Let Your Life Speak":
"Before I can tell my life what I want to do with it, I must listen to my life telling me who I am."
That's the work.