The thing about hard things
No matter how many leadership theories you study, knowledge alone won't make you a great leader, parent, or partner.
Theories can be a helpful resource, but the real work happens in the moment, where the rubber hits the road, when life feels challenging, demanding, and hard. The work occurs where your nervous system meets the environment.
It doesn't matter how much you've stored in your intellect. Without the capacity to manage your stimulus, self-regulation, and response pathway, all the theories in the world won't help you.
Life's turning points happen in micro-moments of choice. Can I pause, take perspective and choose - or is my nervous system running the show?
If I could recommend only one piece of advice to leaders, it would be to develop a practice of consciously calming your nervous system. It could be meditation, a walk in nature, or as simple as a few deep breaths - try several and find one that works for you.
In the sliver of space between stimulus and response lies the door to Creative Leadership.