This is how I debrief a Leadership Circle Profile
I've conducted nearly 1,000 LCP debriefs and experimented with various formats and approaches. I don't claim this approach is best, but after years of trial and error, it's what works for me.
Here's the breakdown for a first-time debrief:
✔(Pre-work) I always send the Profile and report a few days in advance. I suggest they review only the written comments and leave the data and graph for our call.
✔(5') Brief introductions and the specific context for our call (is it part of a leadership program, team session, stand-alone debrief.). I inform them the conversation is confidential and ask if there are any questions or requests before we start.
I frame the conversation as having three parts. 1) a bit about your current business context, 2) your biography and personal history, and 3) exploring the data and defining some experiments. More on these below.
✔(15') Current Context: I ask them to tell me a little about the past year. I explore the external conditions (new team, new role, lots of change, smooth sailing) and the internal (what did you notice about your emotional life during this time?). Always end by asking, "is there anything else" there nearly always is.
✔(25') Origin Story and Patterns: We look at the people, situations, and experiences that shaped their life and leadership. I suggest sharing a few stories from distinct chapters in their life: childhood and family of origin, adolescence and young adulthood, and early career/family.
I'll often ask them to reflect on their stories and imagine their life as a book. What might the book title be, and what would they title the chapters?
✔(10) I briefly describe the model and highlight the core elements (reactive/creative, task/relationship, polarities, and tensions). I stay high level and don't go into describing specific competencies or tendencies. We unpack that when we look at their data.
✔(5') I ask them to reflect on their written comments. What stood out? What felt true and familiar, and what came as a surprise? What patterns do they see?
✔(20') I only now invite them to look at the LCP graphic and ask, "given our conversation so far, what in your data gets you most curious?" I let them decide where to jump in and work with their curiosity. If they want to start with gaps, strengths, or reactive patterns, it's all fine.
✔(10') If they are going into a facilitated program after the debrief, I'll focus on what they can expect next. If all we have is this call, I will end by agreeing on a simple experiment they can try. Another approach is to discuss a STOP/START goal - less critical, more compassionate, for example. I keep it simple and specific.
I always offer a follow-up call even if it's not budgeted in the engagement. An LCP Profile can be confronting, and I want the leader to know they can ALWAYS reach out to me.
Please share any debrief questions or approaches that work for you.