You are more than your story
We tell stories (about ourselves to ourself) to explain why we are the way we are and to form a sense of identity.
But sometimes, we hold onto those narratives a little too tightly, and over time, a few specific stories come to dominate the rest.
These dominant narratives are not necessarily wrong or untrue - they are simply incomplete. They highlight only a thin slice of the true complexity and brilliance in each of us.
We can't control how life unfolds, but we have agency over how we remember, curate and interpret it.
You are all the stories you have ever lived - perhaps even all the stories your ancestors have ever lived. Notice your tendency to privilege one story of self over all others. How might you invite more stories (more selves) to join you?
Thicker narratives can bolster us against life's disruptions and connect us to a more whole sense of self - and to the same in others.